
Sunday, September 15, 2013

You know you're a writer when.....

You have a stomach virus and...

5. While your insides are trying to become your outsides, you are analyzing how it feels to be able to better describe it should you write a scene with vomiting...and you kind of hope it will come out your nose too so you can see how that feels as well.

4. you think...YIPPEE!  I'm sick! I get to stay in bed all day and edit!

3. You begin to come up with a back story for the's not just a regular virus, it's an alien take over. The virus engineered to.....

2. You get kind of excited when dehydration induced delirium sets in because you know your mind is going to come up with some freaky plot lines.

1. In a few moments of lucidity, you drag your laptop into bed and write up a top 5 list on your blog so your genius will not be forgotten when it's all over.


  1. This is just silly. That would be like me asking for my laptop when I'm in the ER with a twisted bowl. Oh wait.......

  2. HA! I'm guessing this is a true story!
