
Friday, February 21, 2014

KL's Interview with Krista Holle and The Wind Whisperer

About the Book

The Wind Whisperer

At fifteen, Anaii is the most important member of her tribe—and the most mysterious. Ever since Anaii can remember, the spirits of the wind have whispered of fertile hunting grounds and imminent enemy attacks. But when her people are ambushed by a brother clan without any apparent cause, the spirits remain eerily silent.

As the village prepares to retaliate, Anaii is pressured by her best friend, Elan, to marry him. It’s an old plea—Elan has spent a lifetime loving her, but Anaii only sees a childhood playmate out of an imposing warrior. Stifled by Elan’s insistence, Anaii escapes into the forest where she meets Jayttin, the beautiful son of the enemy chief.

Enamored by Jayttin’s carefree spirit and hope for peace, she repeatedly sneaks away to be with him, but when her deception is discovered, Elan is devastated. Pledging his lifelong affection, Elan gives her a passionate kiss, and Anaii begins to see her friend in a new light.

While Anaii is tormented over which man she must choose, the wind whispers of a new threat that could destroy both tribes. Only a union will afford a chance at survival, but the reality of that union is based on one thing—which man Anaii chooses to die.

About the Author

Krista Holle

Krista Holle is an award winning author who stepped up her writing after reading Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series. It occurred to Krista that there is an insatiable audience of women and girls who want to read books filled with stories about true love—not just vampires. When Krista is not writing, she loves to collect seashells, watch movies, and eat obscene amounts of pizza. Krista currently resides in Montpelier, Virginia with her husband, four daughters and an eccentric cat with a weird attachment to the family’s socks.

KL's Interview

 KL:  My first question plagued me the entire time I was reading The Wind Whisperer, so much so that I had to take a Google break and see what I could find out about the Native American tribes the story centers around.  My Google search didn't provide me with the information I was looking for, so I have to ask, are these tribes actual tribes or did you invent them for the purpose of the story? 

Krista: This is a great question.  During my pre-writing research, I researched Native American tribes from all over the United States and stole inspiration from everywhere. Even though the tribes are fictional, they could have existed. Most of the day to day details are based on the local Powhatans that hunted the forests around my home.

KL: Your book reads very much like a historical fiction except for the huge paranormal aspect.  Can you tell us a little bit about the research you did to create such a vivid depiction of life in this 1500’s tribal society? 

Krista: I wrote The Wind Whisperer while living on land once owned by Pocahontas. She was a huge inspiration to me. In addition to digging deep into the local traditions, I researched tribes from all over the United States. If a custom was particularly intriguing I probably borrowed it in order to add color to the story.

KL: In your bio, you mention that Twilight served as a springboard for your writing career.  So, are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? 

Krista: Team Edward! Even Bella knew deep in her bones that Edward was the love of her life.

KL:  Did you find yourself rooting for one of your male leads over the other when writing The Wind Whisperer?  

Krista: When I first outlined The Wind Whisperer I had in mind a Romeo and Juliet type love story. I originally was rooting for Jayttin (Romeo) but fell in love with Elan, Anaii's best friend. He was supposed to have been killed off early in the story but I didn't have the guts to do it.

KL:   I love the scene when Anaii and Jayttin meet for the first time!  They have such a special chemistry.  Is there a particular scene that you especially enjoyed writing? 

Krista: I enjoyed writing a lot of scenes, but one favorite was when Elan kisses Anaii for the first time. Anaii is looking for that exciting sort of love that stops your heart. Naturally she overlooks her best friend Elan who she has known her whole life. After that first magical kiss everything changes, and Anaii begins to see her friend in a new light.

 KL: Thank you for your time.  I certainly look forward to reading more of Anaii’s story!

Buy Links

Come back Feb. 21st  when KL interviews Krista Holle!!!!


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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the interview, Krista! Your insight to the story makes me anticipate the next one even more. Your book was truly amazing. One of the best YA fiction I've read in a while.
