
Author Services

I'm excited to announce e-book conversion services!

Basic Conversion - $75
Includes working table of contents, mobi (Amazon), epub (Nook), and pdf files in a weeks turnaround. Any support I can offer with publishing on Amazon, Nook, or Smashwords.

Advanced Conversion - $150
Includes Basic Conversion plus I will collaborate to provide graphics for chapter headings, or other simple graphics in a weeks turnaround.

Personalized Conversion - TBD
If your needs are more specific we can discuss and determine the time frame and cost.

Changes - Minimum $20
At some point you may find a misspelling, missing comma, or odd wording you would like to fix in your manuscript. It's an easy fix, but time consuming. I'll be happy to make changes to your ebook after it is published for $2 a change and a minimum of $20. That means don't email me with every change you find! LOL! Save them up and once you have a handful I'll change your documents.

Please check out samples of my work by clicking on "My Published Books" and see the Amazon samples.

Paperback Interior Design

Basic Formatting- $50
Text only prepping of your Word document for uploading to Createspace with a one week turn around time. Any support I can provide with the publishing process with Createspace.

Advanced Formatting - $150
Basic formatting plus simple interior graphics prepared for uploading to Createspace with a two week turn around time.

Personalized Formatting - TBD
You may have specific needs including charts, graphs, numerous text wrapped graphics, etc. that may require more time and effort. Please let me know about your project and we can form a plan.

Changes - Minimum $20
(see above)

(Interior Sample Photos Coming Soon!)


  1. Ms. Havens, having just finished your first 'Fate War' novel and then discovered your ability to make editorial 'changes' in finished products, may I strongly encourage you to go back to the book and do so? The book show real potential, but is sadly ridden with word usage errors (you write 'reign' when you mean either rein or rain multiple times, for instance). While I know you dislike "nitpicking commas", your book could benefit from grammatical editing as well. There are also plotting consistence errors (swords becoming pistols and pistols becoming muskets, among others).

    Your book is worth it, or I wouldn't bother writing this.
    Padre Z

  2. Note: Please delete my above comment after reading it-- I have no desire to embarrass you, but only to help your writing achieve the level of your imagination!
    Cónego Z

  3. I'm not embarrassed. I made a mistake, and I rectified it months ago when another reader pointed it out. You must have downloaded the book quite a while ago.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed Fate Wars: The Alliance so much that I have it in ebook and paperback format. Are you working on another book in what I assume is a series, and if so, when and where will it be available?

  6. Hey Caline! I'm so glad you enjoyed Fate War. YES! I working on the next book in the series. It's slow going though as I have a bit of writers block but I hope to have it out by this summer. I post updates on my blog and my facebook pages on my progress. Thanks for leaving the note!
